Music classes for kids in the Minneapolis – St Paul Metro

Kiddy Keys

Three-Girls-and-BongosAges 3 through 6

KiddyKeys is a modern and engaging approach to teaching music to children ages three through six. It doesn’t matter if your child is a visual, auditory, or tactile/kinesthetic learner – each child is encouraged to learn music concepts in their learning style, maximizing their ability to understand and enjoy what they are learning. Understanding and enjoyment lead to success.

The KiddyKeys music education program prepares young children to move confidently into piano lessons if desired, with a technically sound foundation. And that’s not all. With KiddyKeys, children have so many learning opportunities – all in the name of FUN! Here is a small sampling of what children learn.

Class Length: 30 minutes
Cost: $40 per month

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“All our son talks about is his music class. When he knows it’s music day, there is no problem with getting him out of bed and ready for school. Thanks for providing such an engaging music class that teaches and is FUN at the same time.”
-Josh N (parent)

Frequently Asked Questions about this class:

Will my child learn to play the piano in KiddyKeys

The KiddyKeys class is designed as a class that will explore keyboard concepts. Students will learn the basic patterns of the keyboard, recognize the low/high sections on the keys, basic finger/hand formation, perform simple patterns, develop keyboard terminology, improvise, and many other skills needed to start the journey into a traditional lesson format if desired. It is not intended to be “piano lessons” as children at this age level learn best in an atmosphere where they can learn from others, experience a variety of activities, explore and learn.

Will children actually play a physical piano?

Yes. Students will have an opportunity to work with me on a keyboard which reinforces the main concepts of the lesson. The level of complexity is geared toward the child’s specific age level. It is very simple in structure, but very powerful at the same time. This is a fantastic way to improve a child’s fine motor skills while exploring the piano keyboard. The time at the keyboard is in addition to all of the fun musical games, listening activities, stories, and music and movement in each class.

When is the best time to start my child in formal lessons?

From my own experience as well as the stacks of formal research, children ages birth-seven years of age learn best in music classes that encourage exploration, improvisation, movement, and focus on basic music fundamentals. The end of first grade or start of second grade are typical ages when many children start piano lessons and achieve success. It is important that students are emotionally, socially, and developmentally ready to take the next step in a “traditional” style of piano lessons.

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